Admin Setup

Admin Setup

Admin Setup involves several master settings and utilities, crucial for managing the system effectively. Each tab and sub-tab within the Admin Setup is explained below with the necessary fields and process flow.
Purpose: Configure administrative settings and permissions to manage user access and system behavior.

A. Menu: Summary View

Summary View is a section within Admin Setup that provides an overview of all menus.

1. Process Flow:
Access Summary View: Navigate to Admin Setup > Summary View.
View Menus: See a list of menus, their parent menus, controllers, statuses, and the last updated dates.
2. Fields:
Menu Name: The name of the menu item (e.g., CAP Bill Creation).
Parent Menu: The parent category to which the menu belongs (e.g., CAP Center Payment).
Controller: The controller associated with the menu item (e.g., CAPBillMaster).
Is Parent: Indicates whether the menu is a parent menu (Yes/No).
Status: The current status of the menu (e.g., Active).
Last Updated: The date the menu was last updated.
User Editable Options: Admin users can add, edit, or delete menus based on their roles and permissions.

B. Menu Permission: Role ‘Menu Permission’

Purpose: Control access to menu items based on user roles to ensure appropriate permissions are assigned.
Role Menu Permission allows setting access permissions for different roles.

1. Process Flow:
Select Role: Choose a role from the dropdown (e.g., ERP).
Set Permissions: Assign Read, Write, Export, and Settings access for each menu item.
2. Fields:
Select Role: Dropdown to select the role for which permissions are being set (e.g., ERP).
Menu: The menu items available for the selected role.
Read Access: Checkbox to grant read access.
Write Access: Checkbox to grant write access.
Export CSV: Checkbox to allow exporting data in CSV format.
Export Excel: Checkbox to allow exporting data in Excel format.
Export PDF: Checkbox to allow exporting data in PDF format.
Settings Access: Checkbox to grant access to settings.
3. Additional Menus:
Exam Configurations: Settings related to exam configurations.
Request Role Access: Interface to request access for specific roles.
Faculty Upload: Interface to upload faculty details.
CAP Center Upload: Interface to upload CAP (Central Assessment Programme) center details.
Exam Center Upload: Interface to upload exam center details.
Sync API Data: Option to synchronize data via API.
Beneficiary User Master: Master data for beneficiary users.
Beneficiary & Exam Mapping: Mapping between beneficiaries and exams.
Beneficiary Type Master: Master data for types of beneficiaries.
New Exam Conduct Bill: Creation of new bills for exam conduct.
CAP Script Data Upload: Uploading data related to CAP scripts.
Beneficiary Rate Configuration: Configuration of rates for beneficiaries.
Project config: Configuration related to projects.
CAP Bill Creation: Creation of bills related to CAP.
User Editable Options: Only Admin users can modify access levels for different roles as needed

C. Role Master: Role Summary

Purpose: Define and manage user roles to regulate access and responsibilities within the system.
Role Summary displays a summary of roles and their status.

1. Process Flow:
View Roles: Navigate to Admin Setup > Role Summary.
Review Roles: Check the details of each role, including name, parent role, description, status, and last updated date.
2. Fields:
Role Name: The name of the role (e.g., CAP Bill Generation).
Parent Role Name: The parent role category (e.g., Study Center).
Role Description: Description of the role (e.g., Special).
Status: The current status of the role (e.g., Active).
Last Updated: The date the role was last updated.
3. Additional Roles:
Study Center: Manages student enrollment, attendance, and exams.
Regional Center: Oversees multiple study centers, ensuring policy implementation.
Faculty: Handles teaching, exam creation, and grading.
External: External evaluators for student assessments.
Exam Center: Manages exam logistics and supervision.
ERP: Manages system administration and user access.
Defined Approving Authority 2: Higher-level approvals for specific processes.
Defined Approving Authority 1: Initial level approvals for critical operations.
CAP Center Approval: Approves CAP-related activities and bill creation.
CAP Center: Coordinates assessment of answer scripts and CAP logistics.
CAP Bill Generation: Generates bills for CAP activities.
Admin: System administrator with full control over the system.
User Editable Options: Admin users can add, edit, or deactivate roles based on organizational needs.

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